Prof. Dr. Svetlana Berdyugina

Current Positions

Director, Istituto ricerche solari Aldo e Cele Dacco - IRSOL
Locarno, Switzerland
Professor, Faculty of Informatics, Universita della Svizzera italiana
Lugano, Switzerland


Habilitation, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2005
PhD, St.-Petersburg University, Russia, 1994
M.Sc., with honors, St.-Petersburg University, Russia, 1987

Research Expertise

Solar and Stellar Magnetism
Exoplanets, Biosignatures, Exolife
Physics of Polarized Light
Physics of molecules
Inverse Problems and Tomography


2023 Invited Fellowship, Munich Institute for Astro- & Particle Physics, Garching, DE
2019 Invited Fellowship, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
2018 Fellowship award, Singularity University, Mountain View, CA, USA
2011 Senior Fellowship Award, NASA Astrobiology Institute, USA
2011 ERC Advanced Grant, HotMol, European Research Council
2004 EURopean Young Investigator Award (EURYI, first one in astrophysics), ESF, (
2001 Senior Fellowship Award, Academy of Finland, Finland
1996-1998 Several Scholarships from the Centre for International Mobility, Finland
1995 Prize for the best PhD thesis in astrophysics, Euro-Asian Astronomical Society
1994 Scientific Achievement Award, International Science Foundation (Soros Foundation)
1992 Award for young scientists, American Astronomical Society

Professional Experience

2022-now Director, Istituto ricerche solari Aldo e Cele Dacco - IRSOL, Locarno, Switzerland
2022-now Professor, Faculty of Informatics, Universita della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland
2017-2023 Director, Leibniz-Institut fuer Sonnenphysik - KIS, Freiburg, Germany
2008-2023 Professor (W3 Chair), Physics Institute, University of Freiburg, Germany
2014-2018 Project Scientist (PI), Predictive Science Inc., San Diego, USA
2011-2017 Project Scientist (PI), Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, USA
2008-2017 Board of Directors, Vice-director, KIS, Freiburg, Germany
2011-2014 Senior Fellow, NASA Astrobiology Institute, University of Hawaii, USA
2008-2010 Visiting Professor, Physics Department, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2005-2008 Professor, EURYI Award Fellow, Physics Department, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2002-2005 Senior Lecturer, Docent, Institute of Astronomy, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2001-2005 Academy Senior Fellow, Academy of Finland, University of Oulu, Finland
2000-2001 Professor, Astronomy Department, University of Oulu, Finland
1998-2000 Postdoctoral Researcher, Academy of Finland, University of Oulu, Finland
1997-1998 International Mobility Fellow, University of Oulu, Finland
1996 Visiting Researcher, University of Helsinki, Finland
1990-1996 Researcher, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Ukraine
1987-1989 Junior Researcher, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Ukraine
1982-1987 Undergraduate studies, Leningrad State University, Russia

Sui monti sopra Locarno si studiano il Sole e le sue meraviglie 2024, La Regione, article

Discovery of 13 new magnetic white dwarfs A&A: 2022 PDF , 2023 PDF , 2024 PDF

"Wir werden im All fremdes Leben entdecken" Leibniz-Magazin Portrait, 2023 article

Effect of stellar contamination on exoplanet transmission spectroscopy NASA SAG 21 Report, 2022 PDF , RASTI, 2, 148-206, 2023 PDF

European Solar Telescope A&A, 666, A21, July 2022, PDF

Searching for Technosignatures Acta Astron., 198, 194, 2022, PDF

Polarimetry of Asteroids A&A, 663, A146, Mar 2022, PDF

Disk-jet geometry in the black hole x-ray binary Cygnus X-1 Science, 378, 650, Nov 2022, PDF

Black hole spin-orbit misalignment Science, 375, 874, Feb 2022, PDF

Surface Imaging of Proxima b and Other Exoplanets: Topography, Biosignatures, and Artificial Mega-Structures, AJ, 158, id. 246, 25 pp, 2019 PDF

Detecting non-terran life in the universe: Session and panel discussion (chair and co-organizer) at Breakthrough Discuss Symposium, Mountain View, CA, USA, Apr 2018, Video

Exoplanet Terra Incognita: Book chapter, Feb 2018, PDF

The mysterious "Boyajian's Star" goes dark, ApJL, 853, L8, 14pp., Jan 2018, PDF

The Maximum entropy limit of small-scale magnetic field fluctuations in the quiet Sun, ApJSS, 233, id. 5, 10pp. Nov 2017, PDF

Space weathering of Super-Earths: AJ, 154, id. 139, 10pp., Oct 2017, PDF

Biohaze as Atmospheric Biosignature of Exoplanets: Talk at Astrobiology Science Conference, AZ, USA, 2017/04/24, Youtube video

Surface Imaging of Proxima b and Earth-like Planets: Invited talk, Breakthrough Discuss Symposium, Mountain View, CA, USA, 2017/04/21, Youtube video

ExoLife: Live Hangouts with Deep Astronomy, 2017-2018, Youtube videos

Molecules as probes of cosmic magnetic fields and exoplanets: Invited talk, International Society of Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP) Symposium, Grand Forks, ND, USA, 2016/07/19, Slides

Communication with Alien Life: Public talk, 2016/07/15, Youtube video

10 Leibniz-Forscher blicken in die Zukunft: ZEIT Magazine, 2016/06/30, PDF

Inner Solar system material discovered in the Oort cloud: Science Advances, 2, 4, id. e1600038, Apr 2016, PDF

Infrared dual-line Hanle diagnostic of the coronal vector magnetic field: Front. Astron. Space Sci., 3, id.13, Apr 2016 PDF

Remote sensing of life: polarimetric signatures of photosynthetic pigments as sensitive biomarkers: Int. J. Astrobiology, 15, 45-56, Jan 2016 PDF