Prof. Dr. Svetlana Berdyugina
Current Positions
Director, Istituto ricerche solari Aldo e Cele Dacco - IRSOL
Locarno, Switzerland
Professor, Faculty of Informatics, Universita della Svizzera italiana
Lugano, Switzerland
Habilitation, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2005
PhD, St.-Petersburg University, Russia, 1994
M.Sc., with honors, St.-Petersburg University, Russia, 1987
Research Expertise
Solar and Stellar Magnetism |
Exoplanets, Biosignatures, Exolife |
Physics of Polarized Light |
Physics of molecules |
Inverse Problems and Tomography |
2023 | Invited Fellowship, Munich Institute for Astro- & Particle Physics, Garching, DE |
2019 | Invited Fellowship, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA, USA |
2018 | Fellowship award, Singularity University, Mountain View, CA, USA |
2011 | Senior Fellowship Award, NASA Astrobiology Institute, USA |
2011 | ERC Advanced Grant, HotMol, European Research Council |
2004 | EURopean Young Investigator Award (EURYI, first one in astrophysics), ESF, ( |
2001 | Senior Fellowship Award, Academy of Finland, Finland |
1996-1998 | Several Scholarships from the Centre for International Mobility, Finland |
1995 | Prize for the best PhD thesis in astrophysics, Euro-Asian Astronomical Society |
1994 | Scientific Achievement Award, International Science Foundation (Soros Foundation) |
1992 | Award for young scientists, American Astronomical Society |
Professional Experience
2022-now | Director, Istituto ricerche solari Aldo e Cele Dacco - IRSOL, Locarno, Switzerland |
2022-now | Professor, Faculty of Informatics, Universita della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland |
2017-2023 | Director, Leibniz-Institut fuer Sonnenphysik - KIS, Freiburg, Germany |
2008-2023 | Professor (W3 Chair), Physics Institute, University of Freiburg, Germany |
2014-2018 | Project Scientist (PI), Predictive Science Inc., San Diego, USA |
2011-2017 | Project Scientist (PI), Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, USA |
2008-2017 | Board of Directors, Vice-director, KIS, Freiburg, Germany |
2011-2014 | Senior Fellow, NASA Astrobiology Institute, University of Hawaii, USA |
2008-2010 | Visiting Professor, Physics Department, ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
2005-2008 | Professor, EURYI Award Fellow, Physics Department, ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
2002-2005 | Senior Lecturer, Docent, Institute of Astronomy, ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
2001-2005 | Academy Senior Fellow, Academy of Finland, University of Oulu, Finland |
2000-2001 | Professor, Astronomy Department, University of Oulu, Finland |
1998-2000 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Academy of Finland, University of Oulu, Finland |
1997-1998 | International Mobility Fellow, University of Oulu, Finland |
1996 | Visiting Researcher, University of Helsinki, Finland |
1990-1996 | Researcher, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Ukraine |
1987-1989 | Junior Researcher, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Ukraine |
1982-1987 | Undergraduate studies, Leningrad State University, Russia |
Sui monti sopra Locarno si studiano il Sole e le sue meraviglie
2024, La Regione,
Discovery of 13 new magnetic white dwarfs
A&A: 2022
"Wir werden im All fremdes Leben entdecken"
Leibniz-Magazin Portrait, 2023
Effect of stellar contamination on exoplanet transmission spectroscopy
NASA SAG 21 Report, 2022
RASTI, 2, 148-206, 2023
European Solar Telescope
A&A, 666, A21, July 2022,
Searching for Technosignatures
Acta Astron., 198, 194, 2022,
Polarimetry of Asteroids
A&A, 663, A146, Mar 2022,
Disk-jet geometry in the black hole x-ray binary Cygnus X-1
Science, 378, 650, Nov 2022,
Black hole spin-orbit misalignment
Science, 375, 874, Feb 2022,
Surface Imaging of Proxima b and Other Exoplanets: Topography, Biosignatures, and Artificial Mega-Structures,
AJ, 158, id. 246, 25 pp, 2019
Detecting non-terran life in the universe:
Session and panel discussion (chair and co-organizer) at
Breakthrough Discuss Symposium, Mountain View, CA, USA,
Apr 2018,
Exoplanet Terra Incognita:
Book chapter, Feb 2018,
The mysterious "Boyajian's Star" goes dark,
ApJL, 853, L8, 14pp., Jan 2018,
The Maximum entropy limit of small-scale magnetic field fluctuations in the quiet Sun,
ApJSS, 233, id. 5, 10pp. Nov 2017,
Space weathering of Super-Earths:
AJ, 154, id. 139, 10pp., Oct 2017,
Biohaze as Atmospheric Biosignature of Exoplanets:
Talk at Astrobiology Science Conference, AZ, USA, 2017/04/24,
Youtube video
Surface Imaging of Proxima b and Earth-like Planets:
Invited talk, Breakthrough Discuss Symposium, Mountain View, CA, USA, 2017/04/21,
Youtube video
Live Hangouts with Deep Astronomy, 2017-2018,
Youtube videos
Molecules as probes of cosmic magnetic fields and exoplanets:
Invited talk, International Society of Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP) Symposium, Grand Forks, ND, USA, 2016/07/19,
Communication with Alien Life:
Public talk, 2016/07/15,
Youtube video
10 Leibniz-Forscher blicken in die Zukunft:
ZEIT Magazine, 2016/06/30,
Inner Solar system material discovered in the Oort cloud:
Science Advances, 2, 4, id. e1600038, Apr 2016,
Infrared dual-line Hanle diagnostic of the coronal vector magnetic field:
Front. Astron. Space Sci., 3, id.13, Apr 2016
Remote sensing of life: polarimetric signatures of photosynthetic pigments as sensitive biomarkers:
Int. J. Astrobiology, 15, 45-56, Jan 2016