Categoria evento: seminario

Titolo: X-ray and EUV observations as diagnostic of accelerated electrons and atmospheric response in solar flares presentato da Dr. Marina Battaglia (FHNW, Windish) Abstract: The signatures of solar flare accelerated electrons and atmospheric response to flare energy input are most readily observed in X-ray and EUV wavelengths. Modern observatories such as RHESSI, SDO, and IRIS …

Titolo: Structure of sunspot light bridges in the chromosphere and transition region Speaker: Dr. Reza Rezaei, Abstract: Light bridges are elongated structures with enhanced intensity embedded in sunspot umbra and pores. Using IRIS spectral data, we study properties of a sample of 60 light bridges in the chromosphere and transition region. Traces of photospheric light …

Titolo: The study of Active Galactic Nuclei variability on multiple timescales presentato da Lia Sartori (ETH-Zurich) Abstract: The study of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) variability on multiple timescales can provide important information about supermassive black hole accretion physics, as well as the black hole – host galaxy interaction and coevolution. AGN variability on human timescales …

Titolo: Solar surface magnetism without feature tracking. di: Andrei Gorobets (KIS, Freiburg) Abstract: The observed magnetic field on the solar surface is characterized by a very complex spatial and temporal behavior. Although feature-tracking algorithms have allowed us to deepen our understanding of this behavior, subjectivity plays an important role in the identification and tracking of …

Titolo: The velocity excess of ions over neutrals in solar prominences di Eberhard Wiehr (Institut für Astrophysik, Göttingen, Germany) Abstract: Time varying Doppler shifts of NaD and SrII in a quiescent prominence are coherent in phase but show 15% larger amplitude of the ions. This is equally found for HeI 5015 and FeII 5018 and …

Title: The sunspot cycle, from past to future ————————————————— Presenter: Frédéric Clette, Observatoire Royal de Belgique, WDC – SILSO, Brussels Abstract: After a short review of the recent re-calibration work accomplished on the long-term series of the sunspot number and sunspot group number, I will present the current effort to recover all original raw data …

Relatore: Ondřej Procházka Titolo: Type II White-light Solar Flares Instrumentation and Data Analysis