Seminar talk by Marina Battaglia

Event Details

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  • Venue: IRSOL
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Title: X-ray and EUV observations as diagnostic of accelerated electrons and atmospheric response in solar flares

by Dr. Marina Battaglia (FHNW, Windish)

The signatures of solar flare accelerated electrons and atmospheric response to flare energy input are most readily observed in X-ray and EUV wavelengths. Modern observatories such as RHESSI, SDO, and IRIS provide high spatial, high temporal, and high spectral resolution data over a broad range of X-ray and EUV wavelengths. Combining observations from these instruments allows us to study flare accelerated electrons and atmospheric response to flare energy input over a broad energy range and considerably enhances the diagnostic potential compared with single-instrument observations. I will give an overview of some recent results from combined X-ray and EUV observations of solar flares and will present methods that allow for true simultaneous exploitation of these rich data-sets.