During the 4th perihelion (the point closest to the Sun in an orbit) of Parker Solar Probe, a synergy of ground-based observatories around the world supported the spacecraft’s in-situ measurements by remote sensing.
This was made possible thanks to the lined up constellation between Earth, Parker Solar Probe and the Sun. The joined effort is embedded in the Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions initiative. This is expected to draw a unique coherent picture of the complex energetic and magnetic structures reaching from the solar surface to the outer layers of the solar atmosphere.
The NASA coordinated mission Parker Solar Probe, a mission “to touch the Sun”, was launched in August 2018 to provide new insights on solar activity and how to improve space-weather forecasts. Since then, Parker Solar Probe is constantly monitoring it’s direct environment while getting closer and closer to Sun. During the 4th perihelion, Parker Solar Probe reached the outer part of the corona, filled with plasma and magnetic fields.
IRSOL joined the synergy by taking high-precision spectro-polarimetric data of the magnetic foot-points on the Sun. The measurements at IRSOL provide critical complementary information on the magnetic activity located in about 800 km height above the solar surface.
IRSOL data have been published here