IRSOL researcher Dr. Gioele Janett gets the Edith Alice Müller Award 2020

The Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy (SSAA) officially announced the attribution of the Edith Alice Müller Award 2020 during its assembly that was held online on 9 October 2020. The awards have been attributed to Dr Gioele Janett (IRSOL) and Dr Ewelina Orbzud (UNIGE) for their PhD thesis .

Janett successfully completed his PhD at IRSOL in 2019 with a thesis on

Numerical Methods for the Transfer Equation of Polarized Radiation

under the guidance of Prof. Siddhartha Mishra and Dr. Oskar Steiner.

IRSOL greatly congratulates the awardees.

IRSOL contributes to first WHPI “Show and Tell” days

The first WHPI “Show and Tell” days occurred on 14th-15th September,  2020. The agenda can be found here. During these two days, video tutorials followed by a Q&A about the observational data obtained during the 4th perihelion of Parker Solar Probe by ground- and space-based solar observatories were shown. IRSOL supported this campaign and contributed with unique and complementary ground-based observations, see here.

The video tutorials included information about the scientific value of the data, how the measurements were performed, the data reduction and also how the data can be accessed. The presentations are archived and can be found here.

To directly access the IRSOL contribution, please follow this link.